The Origins
Reflecting on my earliest days as a car enthusiast, I remember 2 scenarios that were predominantly repeating. The first: "I want nice things," and the second: "I don't have money for nice things.” I'm sure many of you can relate or remember a time when you felt this way. Little did I know that these would be the driving forces behind the conception of JPWheelSupplies.
Throughout high school and college, my desire for high quality grew exponentially; however, the income did not. This, along with some personal pride, led me to become as self-sufficient as possible. Any parts, install, body work, etc.. no matter how big or small (or prior experience) would be extensively researched and completed on my own. After years of doing all the work on my cars, I gained quite a bit of knowledge and experience. Somewhere during this timeframe, I got my first set of Japanese three-piece wheels (A true classic: The Weds Kranze Cerberus I). I paid retail and waited 3 months to have them built from a popular wheel rebuilding company (only to be disappointed in the finished product). After 1 week of ownership, the wheels got damaged (on track) and already needed a rebuild.